Day of Caring


United Way NL’s Day of Caring is held in June of each year (for 2024 it will be held on THURSDAY,  JUNE 6th) and is an important day for our charities and our workplace volunteers.  The charities identify a need and our workplace volunteers step up to help fill that need! 

A Day of Caring is a unique opportunity for your workplace to partner with a United Way NL agency partner or nonprofit organization. You’ll complete a volunteer project that contributes to local community development, renewal, and pride.

Volunteering will help strengthen a network of social programs that have a direct impact on the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians every year.

Some of the activities our volunteers help with are:

  • Special event support for an agency partner (e.g., community barbeque)
  • Revitalize an agency by cleaning, organizing supplies, or painting
  • Landscape or prepare a community garden for planting
  • Build or repair shelving, benches, or a fence.


If you are a charity and would like to avail of this service, please complete this form and email it to

Charity and Non-profit Application Form